Plant and Animal Genome Conference 32, January 10-15, 2025, San Diego, CA, USA
Cucurbit Genomics Workshop, 4:00 pm - 6:10 pm, Jan. 10, 2025

If you use this database please cite: Yu et al. (2023) CuGenDBv2: An updated database for cucurbit genomics. Nucleic Acids Research 51, D1457-D1464
Fruit images and phenotype data for the cucumber core collection are now publicly accessible on the Phenotype page. Variant data for the cucumber core collection are available on the Genotype and Download pages. [Dec 2024] |
A new function for the retrieval of variants from a list of genomic regions/positions has been added to the 'Genotype' page. [May 2024] |
Genomes of wild watermelons, C. colocynthis, C. amarus and C. mucosospermus, have been published and can now be used without any restrictions. [August 2023] |
SNPs and small indels called from genome resequencing data (average depth of 53.3x) of the squash core collection comprising 206 accessions are now available for mining [March 2023] |
Paper describing CuGenDBv2 published in Nucleic Acids Research [Oct 2022] |
The genome of Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis Charmono is now available in CuGenDBv2 [Oct 2022] |
The synteny tool has been reimplemented to improve the overall database performance. Link to synteny information of each specific gene is now provided in the gene overview page [Aug 2022] |
13th Eucarpia Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics, November 1-6, 2024, Naples, Italy
ASPB Plant Biology 2024, June 22-26, 2024, Honolulu, HI, USA