Synteny of MELO3C022134 in Melon (DHL92) v4
The following gene(s) are orthologous to this gene:
Gene | Orthologue | Organism | Block |
MELO3C022134 | Bhi06G000141 | Wax gourd (B227) v1 | |
MELO3C022134 | IVF0014342 | Melon (IVF77) v1 | |
MELO3C022134 | CaUC08G142270 | Watermelon (USVL246-FR2) v1 | |
MELO3C022134 | ClCG08G001520 | Watermelon (Charleston Gray) v2.5 | |
MELO3C022134 | CsaV3_5G039580 | Cucumber (Chinese Long) v3 | |
MELO3C022134 | Clc08G01630 | Watermelon (cordophanus) v2 | |
MELO3C022134 | CsGy5G029890 | Cucumber (Gy14) v2.1 | |
MELO3C022134 | CSPI05G30500 | Cucumber (PI 183967) v1 | |
MELO3C022134 | Chy9G158060 | Cucumber (hystrix) v1 | |
MELO3C022134 | Cmc09g0238331 | Melon (Charmono) v1.1 | |
MELO3C022134 | PI0028685 | Melon (PI 482460) v1 | |
MELO3C022134 | Pay0018551 | Melon (Payzawat) v1 | |
MELO3C022134 | MELO3C022134.jh1 | Melon (Harukei-3) v1.41 | |
MELO3C022134 | CmUC08G144070 | Watermelon (USVL531) v1 | |
MELO3C022134 | CcUC08G146640 | Watermelon (PI 537277) v1 | |
MELO3C022134 | Cucsat.G8480 | Cucumber (B10) v3 | |
MELO3C022134 | Cla97C08G145740 | Watermelon (97103) v2.5 | |
MELO3C022134 | HG10003553 | Bottle gourd (Hangzhou Gourd) v1 | |
MELO3C022134 | Lsi08G001550 | Bottle gourd (USVL1VR-Ls) v1 |
No gene(s) are paralogous to this gene
The following block(s) are covering this gene without homologs: