Cla016057 (gene) Watermelon (97103) v1

OrganismCitrullus. lanatus (Watermelon (97103) v1)
DescriptionUnknown Protein (AHRD V1)
LocationChr2 : 6961023 .. 6961370 (+)
The following sequences are available for this feature:

Gene sequence (with intron)

Legend: CDS
Hold the cursor over a type above to highlight its positions in the sequence below.

mRNA sequence


Coding sequence (CDS)


Protein sequence

GO Assignments
This gene is annotated with the following GO terms.
Category Term Accession Term Name
biological_process GO:0008150 biological_process
cellular_component GO:0005575 cellular_component
molecular_function GO:0003674 molecular_function
This gene is associated with the following unigenes:
Unigene NameAnalysis NameSequence type in Unigene
WMU44063watermelon EST collection version 2.0transcribed_cluster

The following mRNA feature(s) are a part of this gene:

Feature NameUnique NameType

The following transcribed_cluster feature(s) are associated with this gene:

Feature NameUnique NameType

The following gene(s) are orthologous to this gene:
Cla016057Cla97C02G033360Watermelon (97103) v2wmwmbB317
Cla016057ClCG02G006390Watermelon (Charleston Gray)wcgwmB198
The following gene(s) are paralogous to this gene:


The following block(s) are covering this gene:
Cla016057Silver-seed gourdcarwmB0179
Cla016057Silver-seed gourdcarwmB0289
Cla016057Silver-seed gourdcarwmB0375
Cla016057Silver-seed gourdcarwmB0455
Cla016057Cucumber (Chinese Long) v3cucwmB279
Cla016057Cucumber (Chinese Long) v3cucwmB632
Cla016057Cucumber (Chinese Long) v3cucwmB635
Cla016057Watermelon (97103) v2wmwmbB343
Cla016057Wax gourdwgowmB233
Cla016057Wax gourdwgowmB273
Cla016057Watermelon (97103) v1wmwmB131
Cla016057Cucumber (Gy14) v1cgywmB426
Cla016057Cucumber (Gy14) v1cgywmB427
Cla016057Cucurbita maxima (Rimu)cmawmB127
Cla016057Cucurbita maxima (Rimu)cmawmB324
Cla016057Cucurbita maxima (Rimu)cmawmB503
Cla016057Cucurbita maxima (Rimu)cmawmB725
Cla016057Cucurbita moschata (Rifu)cmowmB109
Cla016057Cucurbita moschata (Rifu)cmowmB496
Cla016057Cucurbita moschata (Rifu)cmowmB721
Cla016057Melon (DHL92) v3.5.1mewmB240
Cla016057Melon (DHL92) v3.5.1mewmB250
Cla016057Watermelon (Charleston Gray)wcgwmB305
Cla016057Cucumber (Chinese Long) v2cuwmB270
Cla016057Cucumber (Chinese Long) v2cuwmB601
Cla016057Cucumber (Chinese Long) v2cuwmB605
Cla016057Cucurbita pepo (Zucchini)cpewmB268
Cla016057Cucurbita pepo (Zucchini)cpewmB453
Cla016057Cucurbita pepo (Zucchini)cpewmB665
Cla016057Bottle gourd (USVL1VR-Ls)lsiwmB268
Cla016057Bottle gourd (USVL1VR-Ls)lsiwmB380
Cla016057Cucumber (Gy14) v2cgybwmB253
Cla016057Cucumber (Gy14) v2cgybwmB563
Cla016057Cucumber (Gy14) v2cgybwmB567
Cla016057Melon (DHL92) v3.6.1medwmB232
Cla016057Melon (DHL92) v3.6.1medwmB242
Cla016057Melon (DHL92) v3.6.1medwmB472