Run Library RawReads/Pairs CleanedReads/Pairs MappedReads/Pairs OriginalSample NewSample Replicate ScientificName Genotype Description SRR7403492 non-strand-specific 7723309 7371640 7144958 SAMN09469602 SAMN09469602 rep1 Cucumis melo New Silverlit Seedlings not treated with 0.03 g/mL melon aqueous extracts SRR7430375 non-strand-specific 7752777 7394759 7176779 SAMN09469603 SAMN09469603 rep1 Cucumis melo New Silverlit Seedlings treated with 0.03 g/mL melon aqueous extracts for two days SRR7430376 non-strand-specific 8665893 8266734 7990456 SAMN09469604 SAMN09469604 rep1 Cucumis melo New Silverlit Seedlings treated with 0.03 g/mL melon aqueous extracts for four days