Run Library RawReads/Pairs CleanedReads/Pairs MappedReads/Pairs OriginalSample NewSample Replicate ScientificName Genotype Description SRR7343306 non-strand-specific 2681361 2531699 2463670 SAMN09399184 SAMN08095306 rep2 Cucumis melo Piel de Sapo Fruit flesh and peel of Piel de Sapo (non-climacteric) at 20 days post anthesis SRR7343307 non-strand-specific 3578711 3329649 3230094 SAMN09399183 SAMN08095303 rep2 Cucumis melo PI161375 Fruit flesh and peel of PI161375 (non-climacteric) at 20 days post anthesis