Run Library RawReads/Pairs CleanedReads/Pairs MappedReads/Pairs OriginalSample NewSample Replicate ScientificName Genotype Description SRR13618027 non-strand-specific 32559735 27295298 22537112 SAMN17709853 SAMN17709853 rep1 Luffa aegyptiaca NA Mature fruits of stick shape SRR13618026 non-strand-specific 25171715 23204817 18994477 SAMN17709854 SAMN17709853 rep2 Luffa aegyptiaca NA Mature fruits of stick shape SRR13618025 non-strand-specific 27042810 24781420 20263858 SAMN17709855 SAMN17709853 rep3 Luffa aegyptiaca NA Mature fruits of stick shape SRR13618024 non-strand-specific 34698950 31002271 25114122 SAMN17709856 SAMN17709856 rep1 Luffa aegyptiaca NA Mature fruits of of short cylinder shape SRR13618023 non-strand-specific 31610348 28846366 23906840 SAMN17709857 SAMN17709856 rep2 Luffa aegyptiaca NA Mature fruits of of short cylinder shape SRR13618022 non-strand-specific 28117052 25311449 20831557 SAMN17709858 SAMN17709856 rep3 Luffa aegyptiaca NA Mature fruits of of short cylinder shape