Run Library RawReads/Pairs CleanedReads/Pairs MappedReads/Pairs OriginalSample NewSample Replicate ScientificName Genotype Description SRR12470628 non-strand-specific 82076912 78638753 76830068 SAMN15835290 SAMN15835290 rep1 Cucumis melo Yangjiaocui-T03 Shoot apex of main stem for control SRR12470629 non-strand-specific 79085887 75910334 74202061 SAMN15835289 SAMN15835289 rep1 Cucumis melo Yangjiaocui-T03 Shoot apex of main stem after ethephon treatment SRR12470630 non-strand-specific 82336243 79149383 77347742 SAMN15835288 SAMN15835288 rep1 Cucumis melo Yangjiaocui-T03 Shoot apex of lateral branches SRR12470631 non-strand-specific 88721486 85008309 83145079 SAMN15835287 SAMN15835287 rep1 Cucumis melo Yangjiaocui-T03 Shoot apex of main stem